Red Echo

September 28, 2014

It’s funny to watch my creative outlets shift back and forth over time, since the activities themselves are about as conscious and intentional as they could be, and yet the overall course of the river seems to meander through loops I can only see in retrospect.

I did a ton of sewing last spring, but I haven’t touched a machine in months. The middle of the summer was all about organizing Floodland, which went off really well, but exhausted me. Since then I’ve been cruising through a more than usually quiet and solitary mode, spending most of my free time deep in the guts of some really enjoyable compiler hacking.

Now the weather is turning, I seem to have a resurging interest in connecting with my friends, and I’m thinking about starting up weekly Rock Star Thursday Dinners. Perhaps this also has something to do with the changing of the seasons and the approaching dark months, but I’m feeling a spark of interest in some lighting projects that have been neglected during this bright summer.