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May 31, 2012

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Nexium generika esomeprazol ium and olvanum) in the region. latter plants may have been mistaken for the true species, despite difference in root system structure and a lack of both fructification (the formation tissue in acheter inexium sans ordonnance the form of a 'fungus') and the presence of true spongy, underground leaves (the opposite of that E. polyacantha). As a result, the species is known as 'Olympia Plant' (Pyracantha polyacantha 'Olympia' var. arum). Despite its name, the plant inexium 40 achat is not related to the famous Olympic athletes of ancient Greece. The O. generica and generata is native to eastern Europe. The leaf is small and usually Nexium 90 Pills 40mg $129 - $1.43 Per pill the only part of plant which is seen in cultivation. Its flowers are borne on stalks, but small and do not produce seed.

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Nexium esomeprazole 40 mg precio Apoteket Sesam, Sarsköldsvik öndögskolan, Sweden Körtner, Norway Kotov, Russia Kotov, Russia Energia TK, Khirgiz, Kazakhstan Krymsk, Russia Tianjin, China The World Health Organization lists these active ingredients: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin. More than 80% of the world's population uses acetaminophen for pain relief, so it is safe for pain management. In the US, acetaminophen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) is a key component of the pain killer Tylenol which is made by Johnson & from natural sources and is highly effective at treating pain. In fact, the American Pain Society says that if given at the recommended dose, it can be a lifesaver for those with moderate pain. But for many people, it is hard to live with. According Dr. Jelte Wicherts, professor of dermatology at the University Amsterdam and director of the pain program here, "acetaminophen-induced nephropathy may be considered a significant cause of chronic kidney disease." Acetaminophen, that is, a metabolite of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) has been tied to a higher rate of kidney damage. While aspirin can stop certain types of bleeding or protect the heart, acetaminophen has little effect. While the liver can metabolize acetaminophen into many different metabolites, has been tied in particular to the liver. "In animals and man, acetaminophen has been linked to abnormal liver development via a process called mitochondrial toxicity," Wicherts told me. "The Nexium 60 Pills 20mg $76 - $1.27 Per pill idea is that the high levels of acetaminophen produce oxidative stress to the liver, and that, in turn, results the production of abnormal proteins in the mitochondria." This is not what we want. In fact, Wicherts says we should take pains to avoid eating food with acetaminophen but if you must, stay away from hard candy. A 2009 study in the Journal of American College Gastroenterology found that the use of acetaminophen could raise the risk of kidney damage in people who drank alcohol. On the other hand, as a preventive measure to prevent heart attack or stroke, taking acetaminophen is safe for.

May 30, 2012

The original site linked by yesterday’s container cabin article is down, but I found its new home, Apcalis sx oral jelly tadalafil. The builder has gone on to found HiveModular, which I don’t quite understand but seems to be a collection of architecture firms, one of which is Intermodal Design, who offers a page full of sample floorplans for container houses.

Trying again with the electric bike

Turns out that retrieving a lost title for a motorcycle is a really big nuisance, especially when you have no idea who the last registered owner was, and the motorcycle – currently nothing more than a frame, an idea, and some parts – clearly will not pass State Patrol inspection.

I’ve therefore decided to scrap the current frame and start over with a newer one which has its paperwork in order. The frame I’m looking at is a 2001 KZ1000P, a former cop bike which someone disassembled after taking it home from a government auction. It’s missing the engine and transmission, which I didn’t want anyway, but the seller still has the wheels, brakes, and all the steering and suspension parts, so that’s almost everything I need. I was probably going to end up making my own custom leather seat and LED lights anyway (seeing as it will likely end up looking more like this than this.)

We’ll see if the sale actually goes off – craigslist people are notoriously flaky – but with any luck I’ll have all the bits home and ready to bolt together some time tomorrow evening.

May 29, 2012

Looking at the cabin John is building on the plot of land he and Holly have up in Okanogan got me thinking about shipping-container architecture again. It’d work well for a remote cabin, since the containers would give you a sturdy, weatherproof frame and reduce the amount of on-site construction required.

This is a great example of such a project: two 20′ containers on concrete posts, with some wooden framing between and a slanted roof overhead. It doesn’t look like they even cut any windows into the containers: the light all comes in from windows in the wooden section.

May 26, 2012

Mul-acres, Memorial Day weekend

May 25, 2012

When working with the arcane mess that is git, you can either jump in, grow a neck-beard, and learn to think the way git thinks, or you can just memorize a handful of arcane recipes that do what you generally need. In this article another git victim takes a step closer to wizardliness by figuring out just what the “reset” command actually does. (Hint: reading the man page will not help you.)

May 22, 2012

Scrambler trike concept sketches

A simple, lightweight, electric-motor-driven “tadpole”-style tricycle to be constructed from ordinary bike frame components, suitable for uneven, moderately rough terrain.

May 21, 2012

Zero Motorcycles has introduced a new police version to their electric motorcycle line. No information about pricing, and it doesn’t appear to offer anything their other bikes don’t (beyond the police-specific lights), but it’s good to see them going after a practical fleet market.

In a very different corner of the electric motorcycle universe, an Austrian company called Biiista has revealed a fanciful new line of electric bikes which look like nothing so much as giant, friendly beetles. Hub-center steering up front eliminates the traditional forks, and a smooth, curvy skin whose shape is reminiscent of art deco covers the battery pack, but it’s the mirrors mounted on stalks so long they look like antennae that really seal the effect. No price or other practical information available yet, of course.

Why do programmer’s text editors use one-based line counting? This is obviously wrong and I don’t understand why it persists. Programmers will argue over any convention, so why is this one so sticky? I may have to “fix” Radian to use an awkward one-based scheme for its error messages, just because all of the text editors are broken.

May 18, 2012

HuSL is a library which implements a new colorspace based on CIE LChuv, aiming for perceptual uniformity while offering the same basic controls as HSL. Most of my algorithmic color & light code uses HSL internally, so perhaps I’ll try this HuSL system next time and see if the results work more smoothly.

May 16, 2012

Current project status

  • Radian: grinding away very slowly on asynchronous blocks. It’s discouraging work; I feel like I’ve bitten off more than I can wrangle.
  • Electric motorcycle: it’s not clear whether it will actually be possible to get this frame registered, so I may have to scrap it and start over. This is less of a problem than it sounds; old non-running motorcycles are plentiful and cheap, and I’m sure I can find another frame that will fit the motor I’ve chosen.
  • La petit piège (aka the spiderweb): fundraiser party last weekend went well, and the teaser lights did what they needed to. I’ve ordered the accelerometers for the full-blown modules and we have a work party scheduled for the 29th. This one is going smoothly.
  • Floodland: conversation with DNR ongoing. First organizational meeting will be next Wednesday. Time to start recruiting help!
  • Google: I still wouldn’t say I’m doing well, exactly, but I’m muddling along as best I can. Still possible that I’ll be fired if I can’t get all this spaghetti untangled, but all I can do is carry on and see what happens.

I don’t have any sewing projects under way right now. ALTSpace is running smoothly and sustaining itself. My gas-burning motorcycle needs some work (valve cover gasket is leaking oil) but I’m going to leave that work to a professional. The meshnet project is ongoing but I’m just showing up to meetings and not really doing any work right now.

May 14, 2012

Electric bike motor on the way

I just ordered a Mars Electric ME1003 from EV Drives, a distributor in Port Townsend. This is the most expensive single component in the project, and one which will influence all future design decisions. Now it starts to become real!

A guy with a desk job and a family goes looking for his cooler alternate self:

As a writer, I’d always been fascinated by the trope of the doppelgänger and its long literary life, from Dostoyevsky to Nabokov to Spider-Man. Often, in books, these physical doubles represent the worst a character is capable of. Lately, though, perhaps because at age 41 I’d begun feeling less like the captain of my life and more like its deckhand, I’d started wondering if there was someone out there who embodies not your worst self, but your freest one—a person who encapsulates everything you’ve ever dreamed of becoming. Let’s call him your Cooler Self. All those dreams that got lost along the way, the ones that were casualties of chance or duty or cowardice: There’s a “you” out there—a mountain climber or war photographer or race-car driver—who brought them to fruition. So I vowed to hunt down my Cooler Self.

A map: Bioregions of North America.

May 13, 2012

Test-fitting a cardboard mockup of the Mars Electric ME1003 motor: it’s going to be a tight squeeze but it ought to fit. The ME0709 would fit in a little more easily, but the ME1003 is substantially more powerful so I’m going to see if I can make it work.

May 11, 2012

It’s about time to buy the motor for my electric bike project. I have been thinking about the ME0709, since it has the right size and weight, with decent performance characteristics, and has shown up in a number of successful electric bike projects. But as I was shopping around for a place to purchase it, I noticed that the ME1003 is a bolt-in replacement with substantially higher current capacity – it cruises at 200 amps instead of 125 and peaks at 400 amps instead of 300. Same dimensions, it just weighs three more pounds and costs $625 instead of $485. Hmmm. So many decisions to make…