Red Echo

October 23, 2009

I cleaned up my serger and re-threaded it the other day, then spent a couple of hours making up a long-sleeved T-shirt. The collar came out wrong, again, as it has each time I’ve tried to make a crew-neck with knit fabric. The fabric always stretches out and the collar ends up enormous and floppy. I don’t get it. I can make all kinds of other collars but the crew-neck eludes me. It was good serger practice, though. Re-threading the machine takes all of two minutes now, and I am starting to understand how the tension controls work.

Radian, of course, is my other big free time project. I have a simple Hello World running now, and that means it is probably time to abandon my temporary C-source-code backend and start using LLVM. I’ve finished as much of the front-end language support as I’ll need for now, and it’s probably time to shift my focus toward the runtime environment. I need to build an IO interface, a garbage collector, and the core function library; using C as an intermediate step is just a hindrance here.