Red Echo

June 3, 2007

Beautiful sunny day today. I went over to Kira’s brunch in the morning; she was full of energy, producing a constant stream of quiches, muffins, and biscuits. Eric S. showed off the acrylic parts he’s found for his Burning Man project; we have both come up with variations on the “tree of light” idea, and it’ll be fun to see both trees glowing next to each other.

After brunch I did a little gardening. I’ve been slowly ripping out weeds in the front yard, and that left a bare patch around the side which I decided to fill with some sword ferns. There are already a couple of big bushy ferns in that part of the yard, so the young’uns will fit right in.

Next I went down to the Rocket Factory with an eye to getting it ready for the laserfingers workshop. It’s been in a chaotic state since we moved in, with bins and sawhorses and random tools and wood scraps everywhere, so I spent a while cleaning up and sorting out. Next I used some of the leftover scrap lumber to build a set of shelves for all my Burning Man gear, up in the loft. That done, I started in on some electrical work. It’s too dark to work under the loft, so I added a new switched circuit and mounted the first of a pair of fluorescent fixtures. I didn’t quite get that job done, and I barely even got started on my plans to add a whole strip of new outlets along the wall under the loft, but the place looks a lot better. Another six hours of hard labor ought to finish it…

Home, quick shower, new clothes, and over to Geoff & Laura’s for the end of their sangria party/barbecue. Good conversations, had fun talking to Amy S. about fourteen-year-olds. Lots of people are interested in the laserfingers workshop: *lots*. I am going to have to limit attendance.

Home: Mez had just gotten back from Rainier, and both Lesley and Alexis were in, so all four of us were actually in one place at one time, which happens with hilarious infrequency.