Red Echo

May 14, 2007

A fifteen-minute dinner for a beautiful spring evening

1/2 pound ahi steak, the redder the better
bunch of spinach leaves
one smallish tomato
two mushrooms
olive oil
sea salt
black pepper
French bread

Splash a little olive oil into a shallow pan and place on high heat. Wash and dry a handful of spinach, tear into big chunks, and scatter onto a plate. Slice two large mushrooms and one smallish tomato; place atop spinach. Pour a couple tablespoons of olive oil into a bowl. Mix in at least a tablespoon of freshly cracked pepper and a couple teaspoons of coarse sea salt. Dredge the ahi in the oil mixture. The pan should be hot by now, so toss in the ahi. Wait about two minutes; this would be a good time to add a little sea salt and some more of the cracked pepper to the salad plate, plus a splash each of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then flip the ahi over and let the other side cook for another two minutes. Cut two or three slices of French bread and smear on a little butter. Crack open a bottle of wine. Pull the fish off the heat, put it on the plate, take your wine glass and some utensils and go sit in the sun.


  1. Yum.
    The only thing I would add is pine nuts and dried pumpkin seeds to the salad.

    Leonie says “Hi!!!! Mars!!!!!”

    Comment by Gerard Hammond — May 14, 2007 @ 8:25 pm

  2. I’m glad you are back in the swing of cooking. That dish sounds fabulous!

    Comment by Leeeah — May 14, 2007 @ 8:38 pm

  3. I guess that’s what you get when you can get fresh fish. I live in the middle of cattle country so we do beef. I can hear the cows out my window … seriously !
    Sounds good though

    Comment by norm — May 14, 2007 @ 9:13 pm

  4. Mmmm! Sounds awesome!

    I’m so excited to go see you!

    Comment by Joanna — May 19, 2007 @ 11:28 am