Red Echo

May 13, 2007

I’m sitting in bed on a lazy Sunday morning. I decided, with some reluctance, to skip the big Polarity party last night; the conference was four days straight of demanding days and loud late-night outings, and I needed a break. Oh well – there are always more parties. Instead I dropped by Kitty V.’s going-away party, then found Adam and Janet in Fremont and spent a couple of hours catching up.

I’m starting to get more serious about this tree-of-light project, though part of the appeal is in how little seriousness the concept demands. So far this year I’ve managed to not get myself committed to any big art projects, and I’d like to keep it that way. If I can find a reasonably cheap source for long flexible fiberglass poles, preferably set up with ferrules and elastic cord so I can break them down for packing into bins, I should be pretty much set.


  1. So did you remember to tell you mom Happy Mothers Day today? By the way, how was the rest of the show on the 4th? I went out side with my friend but the door guy wouldn’t let me back in because he said I had “too much to drink”. I was a kind of mad about that. Oh well, he was probably right.

    Comment by C.D. — May 13, 2007 @ 10:31 pm

  2. Hi there – I wondered what happened to you. Yeah, it was a good show – would definitely see them again.

    Comment by Mars Saxman — May 15, 2007 @ 5:24 pm