Red Echo

June 15, 2017


June 27, 2016

Columbia plateau offroading adventure


Thanks to Geoff S. for the photo.

May 19, 2016

When I grow up, I will drive a tank, and this is why.


November 14, 2015


November 12, 2015


October 16, 2015



October 15, 2015


July 27, 2015


June 18, 2015

Chaotic Noise practice session


They’re just, you know, playin’ away in the back yard, getting ready for Honkfest. Perks of having a bandmember as a housemate.

June 8, 2015

I bought a new stereo

I think I need a bigger entertainment center.

June 6, 2015

Ceiling fan in my bedroom


It got warm, so I decided it was time to install a ceiling fan. It’s a nice way to take advantage of the post-remodel bedroom ceiling height.

May 18, 2015

Woodshed / bench for my back deck


Adam H. came over yesterday and we constructed this shaded storage box for all the firewood that has been cluttering up my yard. Since it abuts the firepit area I thought it would be fun to build in a new bench for more cozy seating; now the fire is ringed on three sides.

April 25, 2015

Me and AJ at SEAF


Thanks to Ruben Ortega for the photo.

April 20, 2015

Remodeling finished


April 19, 2015

Looks like fun. My turn?


March 8, 2015

I want one of these for my birthday

You are all hereby notified that this is simultaneously adorable and awesome and I want one. Or maybe two.


January 10, 2015

November 22, 2014


This 42″ giclee print of Echo Chernik’s “Jakouageha” is signed by the artist and numbered “1/1”. There are 50 of the 36″ prints and 20 of the 48″ version, but this is the only 42″ print of Jakouageha that was ever made. I have had it on layaway for most of a year, with a little poster version of the image standing in for it in the meantime. I’m very happy to have this beautiful piece of art over my mantel, first thing you see when you walk in the front door.

November 20, 2014

Lindi screen shot

October 27, 2014

Fully armed and operational battle station

October 2, 2014

October 1, 2014

September 24, 2014

First half of roof over back porch

Well that wasn’t hard! Took just a little over an hour to nail four of the five panels up. Just a simple project really, since the frame was already there, but it’ll be nice to keep the porch dry and available for outdoor meals during the rainy months.

July 27, 2014

June 28, 2014

June 27, 2014

New propane fire pit

This propane burner holds a pile of rocks, diffusing what would normally be a simple blue flame into a big wispy orange flame like a traditional campfire. I have a perfectly serviceable firepit at home, but this portable burner will be great for festivals and camping in areas with burn bans, where it would be important not to leave a bunch of ash or create flying sparks.

June 24, 2014

New electronics for Eva’s Flowerz

June 23, 2014

Simple summer shirt design, take 5

I made some more tweaks to the simple summer shirt pattern: rounded the armscye, tapered the sleeve, added a topstitched French placket, and lengthened the hem. I mismeasured the placket width and made this shirt a little too blousy but I’ve taken the pattern in so the next one will be better. This particular shirt also has lapel facings, but that detail is too fiddly to qualify as “simple”. I think I’ll reserve this design for fabrics which don’t have a clearly “wrong” side, then work up a variant with a banded collar which will work better for prints and the like.

May 19, 2014

April 19, 2014

Downstairs bathroom finished

April 17, 2014

Shame spiral photo hung up in my bedroom

This is Michael Holden‘s photo of the Shame Spiral at Burning Man in 2011.

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