Red Echo

April 24, 2013

I haven’t done much with Radian in the last few months – I’ve been trying to buy a house, and my coding-energy has been focused on the startup I’ve been working for since October. What’s more, I’ve been vexed by a persistent and remarkably slippery bug, manifesting itself as any of a variety of failures. Everything worked fine in the small, but every time I tried to build a complex program, particularly one that used more than a single IO action, things would go mysteriously wrong – objects would suddenly have the wrong types, internal invariants in the map object would suddenly fail to check out, data would mysteriously become wrong…

I’ll spare you the litany of attempts I made and directions I pursued; I took another crack at it last night and the problem was suddenly obvious. Twenty minutes later, I’d fixed it. Well, then! That’s nice. Time for a new release.