These two images came from the same camera exposure. If I wanted to use Lytro’s web service I could embed a little flash doohickey that would let you refocus the image yourself, but since I’m a cantankerous oldster who believes in hosting my own data I’m just going to give you a pair of JPEGs:

Huh. I’d like to see a similar shot taken with a conventional lens at F2.8 or so, because my reaction to those pictures is that the bokeh looks weird.
Comment by Dan Lyke — April 7, 2012 @ 6:08 pm
Yes, there is something strange about it. I’m not sure what sort of iris it has, if at all – there’s something about “constant aperture” in the literature, like it’s always f/2 and they compensate in software somehow.
Comment by mars — April 8, 2012 @ 12:44 pm