Red Echo

January 18, 2012

Internet censorship

It’s neat watching almost every site I visit regularly either shut down or at least put up some special censorship-related graphics to promote the anti-SOPA/PIPA protests. Even Google has gotten in on the act – I’d hoped they wouldn’t wuss out, and watching them put some muscle into the debate makes me feel like I chose the right place to work.

I miss the old days, when the politicians had no idea what to do with us and pretty much let us alone. I can think of nothing positive that legislature has ever accomplished for the Internet. I’m sad that we have to stoop to their level, and dirty ourselves by dealing with their corrupt process, just to maintain our ability to do what we do; but this is the world we’re stuck with, and as revolutionary as the Internet is we can’t entirely escape the fact that our wires run through their dirt.

I’m going to make the best of a bad deal, and do my part to protest the nightmare that is SOPA/PIPA. If we make enough noise, perhaps we can scare them enough that they’ll think twice before accepting those MPAA bribes next time.

Join me?

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for posting this!! Passing this law would be a disgrace to our nation and government. I can’t stand when politicians try to meddle with our freedom… talk about ‘Big Brother!’
    Sometimes I have to just stop thinking about these things because it drives me nuts trying to imagine my life under stupid government rules.

    Comment by Niv Elliot — January 18, 2012 @ 10:44 pm