Red Echo

January 15, 2012

Beloved wife and her cat enjoying the snow. Flakes have been falling all day, and it’s sticking – there’s a good inch or two piled up out there now. This is a good day to stay inside with some hot tea.

Ava wanted some plywood pieces for an art project she is working on, so we walked over to ALTSpace and I helped her learn how to use the table saw. She was a little intimidated but got the hang of it quickly.

We took the cat over with us, where he entertained himself by patrolling the workbenches hunting for dust-bunnies. Despite persistently demanding that we open up his favorite window so he could stick his head out and watch the weather, he was not at all interested in the physical reality of snow when we put him out into it. There’s something really adorable about harmless kitty indignation.