Red Echo

February 17, 2008

I am back home. Seattle has grown brighter and more springlike in my absence. A bluejay hopped along the balcony railing this morning, as if to inspect my ferns.

A sleek new iPod Nano arrived on Friday – thanks, Nathan, for hooking me up, and Lesley, for being here to receive it. I hopped onto the MP3 bandwagon a good ten years ago, but this is my first portable music player. Packed just so, in its tiny clear case, it feels like a gift from the future.

MJ, Cat, and I watched an episode of “Project Runway” the other night. The competition-show format is a bit overdramatic, but the design work was a lot of fun to watch. The show was so inspiring, in fact, that I bounced off to a bar down the street afterward and spent a couple of hours sketching. This sparked a conversation with the waitress, who asked if I had seen a show called “Project Runway”…

I leave for Australia on Friday. I made up a partial to-do list this morning, and it will be a busy week.


  1. Conrats on getting an iPod! Is it one of the really new ones?
    How was the Band of Horses concert? I’d love to go see one of thier shows sometime.
    I’ve been sketching some designs lately as well, perhaps I will email you a couple pictures….
    When do you get back from Australia?

    Comment by Joanna — February 17, 2008 @ 5:08 pm

  2. It is the latest-generation iPod Nano, just like MJ has.

    I enjoyed the Band of Horses show! They are a strange looking bunch of guys, and they look like they have been on the road a little too long, but they played with energy and passion, and the crowd was into it.

    I would love to see your sketches.

    Comment by mars — February 17, 2008 @ 6:20 pm