Red Echo

October 28, 2007

I still don’t exactly know what my Halloween costume represented, but it seemed to be a success, especially after I buckled on my Burning Man holster belt and loaded it with party supplies. I wore black leather pants & boots, red suspenders, the front and collar of a tuxedo shirt (minus the rest of the shirt), and a matador-style cropped jacket, topped off with black eyeliner and a fedora. Sort of an old-west-stripper-gangster look, which somehow made sense for a mutant superhero/supervillain party, though I’m not entirely sure which side of the hero/villain divide I was supposed to land on.

I danced a lot, though the music at the Hive Mind party never really gelled for me. My feet still hurt.


  1. Sounds like a fun costume – pictures?

    Comment by Asher — October 29, 2007 @ 11:27 am

  2. Mason got a couple before we all left: here’s me being all coy with my fedora. Alison took this photo a little later on, which shows more of the outfit.

    Comment by mars — October 29, 2007 @ 1:25 pm